LifeLab Fund-A-Need
We are so lucky to have a chance to re-build our front LifeLab garden and fund a part-time Garden Program Position as part of the funding received from the Auction. We are so close to our goal and would love to give the whole BK community a chance to be part of rebuilding the garden.
Project Description:
Our school district is implementing the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and has joined with all of the districts in Santa Cruz County in an Initiative, through BaySci of the Lawrence Laboratory in Berkeley, to improve the environmental and science education of our students. To fully participate in these initiatives, Brook Knoll Elementary needs to rebuild our LifeLab. Our garden was built many years ago using pressure treated wood, making it unsafe to grow food. To be able to get the best use of our garden for our students, and so they can grow, prepare and eat food from the garden, it must be completely rebuilt using the appropriate materials. Gardens enhance student learning and engagement. Experience in our own schools and many others around the country prove it. Students are excited to grow and use the plants that they produce in a garden. Being able to eat what they grow enriches their understanding of the life cycle, where their food comes from, and why it’s important to take care of our planet.
Project Plan, Supplies and Cost:
Our Life Lab will consist of 14 raised beds for gardening, an outside classroom, potting table, outdoor sink, outdoor storage, citrus trees and other plants to help students experience nature close-up. The total project budget is $35,000, including materials and labor (split into initial costs & on-going). We will also use donations and volunteer labor, which will help us maximize our investment.
Our overall plan includes the following:
- Demolish current garden beds, re-purpose pressure treated wood to edge the garden
- Repair/ replace/ Install irrigation system
- Install gopher wire and landscape fabric between and around beds
- Build and install 14 new redwood raised beds
- Fill beds and tanks with new soil & compost.
- Pour concrete and install stainless steel commercial sink
- Construct Pergola outdoor classroom
- Work with teachers, parents, etc. to incorporate Life Lab into their classrooms
Once funds are received, they will go directly to our construction starting in July 2019. Our goal is to complete the project by Fall 2019 so that we can begin planting and teaching in the 2019/ 2020 school year.
School, Courses, and Expected Student Benefits:
Brook Knoll Elementary serves students from pre-K through 5th grade, all of whom will be able to use and benefit from our new Life Lab. It will enhance their educational experience and our efforts to incorporate the Next Generation Science Standards and BaySci initiative into their education. The Life Lab curriculum has many activities and projects that can be used within almost all of the subjects taught at Brook Knoll. The program lead with coordinate lessons with teachers to teach topics such as wildlife, plant cycles, habitats, watershed stewardship, energy, and climate in the garden. Math teachers can make their classes more engaging in the garden while they teach problem solving, measuring, geometry, and data gathering. Of course we will also focus on agriculture, health, and nutrition, the mainstays of garden learning. Even physical education and art can be emphasized in the garden.
Children learn by doing and by loving what they do. Rebuilding our Life Lab will ensure that. For years to come students will love their science education and will more fully understand and implement it in their lives. Students will be able to learn a multitude of principles and skills, all within a fully-equipped outdoor environment. Mostly, we want them to be excited by the opportunity to taste what they grow right in their lunches and feel the sense of accomplishment that should be a part of all learning.
Levels of Funding
$2,500 - Plaque on Outdoor Life Lab Classroom
$1,000 - Plaque on Garden Bed
$500 - Large Tile on Tile Wall
$250 - Medium Tile on Tile Wall
$100 - Small Tile on Tile Wall
We Need Volunteers!
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following roles. If you are interested, please email
Parent Lead: Communicates to/ from PTO
Teacher Lead: Communicates to/from teaching staff
Life Lab Teacher: Implements curriculum with students
Curriculum Coordinator: Sources and organizes curriculum for Life Lab Teacher
Procurement/ Budget Lead: Develops budget for materials based on curriculum, obtains materials for teacher.
Fundraising/ Grants Lead: Develops fundraising and submits grants to fund Life Lab program.
Community Partnerships/ Sponsors Lead: Develops relationships to help source materials/ labor/ guest teachers and sponsorship opportunities within Life Lab.
Maintenance Coordinator: Develops and implements a monthly and annual maintenance plan.
Volunteer Coordinator: Organizes volunteers to facilitate fundraising and maintenance.